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It is a place where you can listen, purchase, add to your fav, or follow. It’s streaming everywhere, but here is a sample of where you can get a glimpse of my songs.

Apple Music is a music, audio, and video streaming service developed by Apple Inc. As of October 2022, Apple Music reached the 100+ million songs milestone in its streaming catalog.

Spotify is a Swedish audio streaming and media services provider. It is one of the largest music streaming service providers, with over 574+ million monthly active users,

Qobuzis a French digital music store and streaming service provider. Qobuz claims to offer more than 100+ million tracks on CD and "Hi-Res" quality.

Tencent QQ is a Chinese instant messaging software service and web portal developed by the Chinese technology company Tencent known as QQ. QQ claims there were 597+ million monthly active accounts.

YouTube Music is a streaming service that provides a tailored interface for music streaming. Allowing users to browse through songs and music videos on YouTube based on genres, playlists, and recommendations.

7digital Group PLC is a British
B2B Music Technology Services company that offers access to music, tracking, and reporting for clients by providing end-to-end music services to companies.

“I don’t care if there are thunderclouds.

But I hope you can see a silver lining.”

~ Matt Battista