To keep creating music:

Silence is not limiting, and it is just as important as one filled with music.

The word “determination” is carelessly used by others, but when faced with challenges, they deter themselves from their goals. When I was 12 years old, I realized that when things got ugly, something beautiful would follow. Determination is like a melody, a composition of high and low pitches that when harmonized, creates a masterpiece. In my lowest moment, my grandmother’s last wish was the sound of determination.

Once my parents saw how invested I was in music, they sent me to music camps. At 16 years old, I recorded my first song. I felt accomplished, but I knew there was much to work on as a musician and an artist. Less than a year later, I released a song better conveyed my emotions, but I learned how to produce music for myself and others. Presently, I am booked as a professional producer, working in studios throughout Manhattan, and releasing my own produced and written songs.

As for me, I will not be careless with my “determination” because I am passionate about keeping my grandmother alive with my music. She taught me that a moment of silence is not limiting, and it is just as important as one filled with music. I do not intend to stop anytime soon; I have a promise to keep to myself as well as to my late grandmother to keep my dream alive, to keep creating music.